Wednesday, October 31, 2012

About this blog

Hello all.

Alright, so the purpose of this blog is learning about different cultures, all over the world, as you can obviously tell from the blog's name.
In this blog, you will be seeing posts that contain history (meaning, not the history you really get to learn in class, but, the history that you have to learn for yourself), and things like mythology, ritual dances, arts, music, festivals, and even how different holidays are celebrated in different countries, and also some languages. Unfortunately, my linguistic skills are somewhat limited (my defense being it takes a while to really learn different languages, and me only being in high school, so, cut me some slack, guys!), but, as I learn more and more, then I will teach you guys what I know (or attempt to).
For the moment, some of my knowledge of different cultures will be mostly those of the countries in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. African and Middle-eastern countries will be added, but, I myself am currently still learning about those locations.

Now, this isn't just going to be some boring old blog, where I just write down a bunch of stuff, and say "And that's that." I'll also be adding videos, and pictures, and just whatever else seems to be interesting and enjoyable to you readers.

The first of our many lessons will hopefully be posted sometime this week, so, I hope o se you all again then!


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